How many times did you think in convert a date, that it is on String type, to Calendar type? And Calendar to String?.
I sure, at least, one in your developer lifes. I want to share a very easy way to do that, and this way is what i do.
If you want to do the way Calendar to String:
Calendar fecha_calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); // or whatever date you set
CharSequence fecha_charsequence = fecha_DateFormat.format("yyyy-MM-dd", c);
String fecha_string = fecha_charsequence.toString(); // Strings are CharSequence so this step is not necessary.
So simple, so fantastic!. You can see more information about DateFormat class (Android)
here Let's see its inverse case.
Calendar fecha_calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
String fecha_string = "2013-5-24";
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
Date fecha_date = sdf.parse(fecha_string);
} catch (ParseException e) {
Log.v("printf", "ERROR!: can not parsing! ");
It is a longer way (a little bit) but it is still simple and easy. If you know another way simpler or different, let me know.
Remember this: If you are using dates in your project, parse it before you use it. Always. Don't forget it by experience with working with databases( "2013-5-24" ¡NO!, "2013-12-3" ¡NO!, 2013-12-12 ¡YES!. tell me if you know why. ;) ).