
viernes, 9 de enero de 2015

Git stash

I want to share a really usefull command for the control version system Git.
If you are working on a branch, and you really do some changes in that branch, before you can move from this branch, Git says you that you can not go before commit your changes.
You can do commit but if your task is not finished, you can "freeze" your changes in your current branch and move to another branch without making commits to this way:
git stash

At this moment, you are able to move to other branch of development, do whatever you want and, if you want to get back to your branch and recover your old work, only you have to write in your command line:

git stash apply

And your work will go back, like magic!. I consider this really great to work without lose your changes with no commit in the middle.
One thing more, if you have multiples stashes in your branch, you can restore the stash you want. To list them:

git stash list

And later, choose what stash you want to restore with:

git stash name_stash

That's all!

Jade (HTML pre): select tag with options generated automatically with javascript

Today a want to show you a tip about how to make a select with many options without write it one by one and converts it in a long task. This is possible with javascript!

I will show you in Jade (HTML preprocessor and of course, it is possible in HTML as well)

sábado, 8 de marzo de 2014

Me llena de orgullo y satisfacción poder comentar que he publicado (hace algunos días) mi primera aplicacion Android en el Google Play Store. Me estreno como desarrollador Android y espero seguir mejorando ikeComercial Ventas día a día tanto como yo mismo de desarrollador de aplicaciones Android. Espero que la disfruten.

También he decidido publicarla como software libre bajo licencia Apache 2.0. Podéis ver el código aquí y también la página en Google Plus que estoy realizando.

jueves, 13 de febrero de 2014

Converseen, open source image converter.

Hi guys !

Today I want to say a really interesting GUI that I saw last week for Windows or GNU/Linux platforms that converts, resizes, rotates and flips images. I used to convert JPEG to PNG but you can choose about more than 100 image formats like DPX, EXR, GIF, JPEG-2000, PhotoCD, Postscript, SVG, and TIFF and many others.

Personally, the most powerfull feature is converts many images in just one click !! (image batch). Really usefull !!

http://converseen.sourceforge.net/ by faster3ck.

sábado, 25 de enero de 2014

Signing your app to publish on Google Play (with Google Maps)

Hi everyone !

Today, I want to show you how to sign your application before to publish on Google Play, in another words, we have to write internally that you are the developer of that app.


When we was debugging the application, we generated a debug keystore. Now we have to create a new one. To do this, go to "bin" directory on your JDK (Java Development Kit) folder. We need a tool called "keytool" that it is in this directory and write the following:
keytool -genkey -v keystore <path_for_the_new_key> -alias alias_name -keyalg  algorithm_key -keysize key_size -validity validity_days
For example:
keytool -genkey -v keystore C:/Users/danigonlinea/new_key.keystore -alias danigonlinea -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 15750

NOTE: If you have not installed it, you can do it in this link: JDK.


First thing we have to do is to sign the maps on the application, we need to obtain the api key. To this way, our future users can use the maps in the application. If you have not maps on your application, you can jump this step and keep reading after this step.

keytool -list -keystore <path_new_key_created> -keypass password_key -v
For example
keytool -list -keystore C:/Users/danigonlinea/new_key.keystore -keypass perico_palote -v


Access to this website, link: Google Developer Console. You have to activate Google Maps and obtain a new Android Key for your application using SHA1. For more information, get in Obtain Google Maps API Key.

STEP 4: Export your Android application.

In ADT Bundle Eclipse, Go to File -> Export -> Export Android Application. Complete the wizard. Select the keystore that we had created in the first step and remember the alias name and password.

NOTE: if you get fail on the process, try to clean the project on Project -> Clean...
NOTE 2: remember to use a correct package for your source code on your project. It have to be unique on entire Google Play!

Finally, you have your app ready to publish on Google Play.